It's time to stop setting goals.

Goal setting is tempting. It make us feel like we are making progress. And planning those goals feels really good. But along the way we change. We may become detached from our goals, and then we don’t complete them, and then we feel bad for not completing them, so we double down and set some new goals. We build a shame spiral cycle that feeds on itself.

It’s time to cut that shit out.

Your goal for 2022 is to stop setting goals.

Start Here!

Take my FREE

Values Foundation

email course:

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    Annie Toth

    Who am I?

    I'm a strategist, a relationship builder, a questioner, and a fun-instigator. A reformed Type A perfectionist, today I combine my natural people skills with my leadership development experience to help people live a life they love. The rest of the time you can find me working on my fitness, traveling, or playing with my dog, Bear, on the beach in my hometown of sunny San Diego.

    What will you learn?

    • Why goal setting can be a trap that keeps you feeling like you haven’t accomplished anything
    • Why your value foundation is key to taking brave action and building a life you love
    • How to identify the top values that form your foundation